As We Move On !

Hello To All My Dear Readers ❤

In life as we go on growing and learning, there comes a time, that some of us begin to think and do things differently to those around us. This is Not being proud or arrogant, but there is a group who through sheer, “Determination and Courage” want to move on to the top. To develop their minds as high as possible.  This usually happens with age, through knowledge and experiences we have gone through. But as always there are exceptions. (Those much younger, those who are born gifted/talented, also can reach up at a very young age) When we “Develop” our minds, we begin to understand more and better about how life works. We become aware that we belong in the same world, in the same universe. That colours of our skin, race, religion are not things that divide us 🙂

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Once we get this understanding and the feeling of, “Oneness, our out look to life changes in a very big way” and we begin to see life in a more deep and serious manner. In short through eyes of wisdom. We understand that with time people change just like us, and we need to give them space to adjust to their changes too. Our hold, on to things and people become less, its even easier to let go than before. As we know by letting go of which doesn’t serve us, opens the way for new things and people to come in. Those that suit our personalities, present needs in a better way 🙂

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This can be compared to a physical journey up a hill or a mountain. Its not all who climb or even think of going up to the tops of very high mountains. To climb up you need to carry only the very essentials to survive. The higher you go the lighter the load you have to carry, as you cannot climb up with a heavy load. This is an example. Going up also mean advancing your knowledge and becoming wise and sharpening your skills of the mind. Just like a physical journey, to advance your mind, you need to have a clear head. By keeping unwanted thoughts and cluttering your mind you cannot think clearly. By letting go – you clear the mind of the clutter so that the mind is free to think better. The mind that is clear, is able to function/work to the best of its ability. Making the owner of that mind, quite advanced and able to think and act beyond those who are clinging to things and with minds full of clutter. Those who can “Let Go” and give up excess baggage, in order to move on, do stand out and have better chances to be successful in life. And this, Can make a very big difference in order to, “Do well in Life”<3

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So this is what sometimes people say that, “Its lonely at the top” but “Actually you  are Not” Because, “It is Not all who can climb to the very top”, even if you have climbed physically to a top of a mountain, there will be a very few like you, who have had the courage to climb up. But you will have this peace and the view which no other or very few will be able to enjoy, who would have had the Courage, Perseverance  and Patience to go on until they also achieve Their Goals. And all those who had climbed to the top like you, are those who had the same Courage and Determination as you, to face challenges and rise up to new heights where no other dares to tread!!!

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Same way when you are advanced from your mind, there will be some who do not or cannot see/understand the same way as you. Yes, again you can feel a little isolated at these times, until you attract and regroup with those who share the same interests and are in the same wave length as you. At the same time, with wisdom one is able to understand too, that all are not the same, and each person is born for a different purpose in life. That for each person, “The very Top” is different not like a mountain. And in each persons, “The Purpose in Life” is different as there has to be many kinds of people to fill in many different needs in the world!!!

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All may not climb mountains or become scholars, but in their own way they too face challenges in different ways and reach their own goals and become heroes in their lives. And everyone contributes something to the world in their own way ❤

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As human beings, we are the most advanced form of life, and we are so fortunate that we have the ability to take our minds to the highest level of thinking. Meaning able to control or balance our minds through so many ways available to us. As human beings we are born to make use of our lives, as well as help others to make this world a better place for all. So always strive to take that one step more, to improve your life to live with Happiness and Joy that you desire to in this life 🙂

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We are not all mountain climbers. I am not Lol 😀 But we can all face up to our challenges that come our way, with “Courage and Determination”, and grow and move on to a better place than we are at present. So I wish you all, Strength and Courage and to be Patient as all good things take time to happen ❤

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I started this blog in September 2015, mainly to write my journey on mental wellness “Just in My Pen Name Deepa Nilamani” ~ But as I have been able to, “Receive Healing Energy ~ which began its Journey since February 2016 ” ~ I have had to introduce myself in, “My Full name” and to be seen from where, “I have acquired, “The Gift of Healing Hands” Down The Generation, “Who My Maternal Grandfather is, and My Great Grand father is, I have added this Link. Which will take you on to “Their Details on The site of Wikipedia on the I net”:!

It is something I have earned, “Through sheer Hard work, Sacrifices, Sharing, Giving, Donating and through Loving Kindness” and above all being “Truthful and Honest”. “The Universal Energy” is also called “Healing or Pranic energy”, “chi” in China and “ki” in Japan. As we know, energy can travel so, “Prayer energy which also can be called Healing Energy” can travel far and wide to distant places too. If You click this link You can go to to know more as writing in one post can be too much to be reading and taking in: Energy Healing!

You need to and take it in with a “Good and Pure  Heart ~ With Loving Kindness”. “Sometimes you might feel your Right Hand (meaning Your fingers and the palm vibrating) that means you are getting Healing Energies, Sometimes it can be the Left Hand (again the fingers and the palm same way), and sometimes it can be Both Hands receiving (again it is the fingers and the palms same way). All depends on How you will need, and they will stay a while, also come and go at certain times and stop ❤ ❤ ❤

So I have had to edit and update all my posts naturally as, This is “A New Chapter and A New Beginning” Upgrading Myself to A New Wave Length. A New Chapter in My Life and I Wish so for You also. Please click this Link which will take You to The Birthday Post Birthday!

Also There will still be The older Topics “On The Left Hand side, Under the ~ “Recent Posts” and Archives and Categories, with “The New Topics adding up. Happy Reading ❤

And what I am doing is, “Taken the Therapists Voices with me and have been Moving forward Writing My Own Journey in Wellness. Helping Others to have “Faith, Hope and to Heal” and Lead a Life of Good Health, Happiness and Joy in this Post, and if You click on this Link in Green You can read this Post: Taking The Therapists Voice Forward!

The coloured Topics in Green, if you “Click” on them “Will take you to other different posts of Mine which you will be able to find more information and even Pronunciation also”. I have another website with “My own little Poems and Pictures of some of My Hobbies” if you are interested on seeing, “What else I am doing” 🙂 you can have a look at : ❤

“It is all free”. Down load. Take print outs, share and pass it on also for others who can benefit from this posts. I hope All those Read will be able to make the maximum use of all these facts and make, “Your Lives More Healthy and able to Lead Better lives in Happiness and Peace”. I wish it to be so as, ”Peace which is our Ultimate Goal in Life”. Any questions or comments are most welcome ❤ 🙂 ❤

Thanking for the Posts taken from the I net Free Online Image Editor ( for The Picture Quotes Done by Me ❤

Many Blessings of Love, Light and Healing Energies from me 🙂

May God’s Blessings Be Upon You ❤

Deepa 12Deepa Nilamani 🙂


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