Moral Values!

Hello To All My Dear Readers ❤

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Hope all of you are keeping well. You will notice that I am not a person who writes daily or even weekly for that matter. One thing I started this to write My Journey, so I cannot let others write articles here, so it has to be in my own time and when I do collect enough material to write an article. Also I believe in having few good friends, and doing things in a scale that I can manage. Not to impress or to be popular but, to give out work of Value ~principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life ~ The I net!

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I am extremely methodical, hence I like to have everything around me working specifically in a pattern that agrees with my personality. This is how I believe that I overcame the low moods in the first place. No matter what, I forged on ahead “working to my way of life, (opposed to what happened, that brought me to be stressed in the first place)  but Not really hurting another. I somehow adhered, no matter to what, that worked for me the best way 🙂
I have to explain, that I can only interact with my other blogging family, when I am relaxed. I get unnecessarily distracted reading articles that are Not relevant to me. I like to read through so that I can read and learn or can give a proper and helpful comment. I do not like to do or say thing just for the sake of it. Right now I am having I net issues due to the storm season in Aussie, so working with a very limited/slow I net. So please excuse me for being quiet with you all, until it comes back to normal ❤aaaa-7This topic is an issue that has been going around me, as well as a common topic to everyone. I waited until I felt I knew enough to put forth an article that will help many of you hopefully. I found that there are some who do not know the Real Values of Life around us and try to take advantage from those who are Honest and Sincere!

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In life there are many people that we cannot just move or walk away. As even with the positive people there can be some negativity sometimes. Since I wrote the last article, I observed others around me. We all know that there are some who are very positive and some who can be very negative. As in life I find we cannot find perfection always. There will be some very negative people who are extremely vicious, and that we might have to completely keep away, but how much can we keep away or walk off in life ? There are so many toxic people among all walks of life. After all the experiences I have had, I came to the conclusion, that sometimes it is difficult to move away from as we would like to. But, “Yes we can reduce our times around them and protect ourselves as much as possible”!

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We all know we cannot change other’s. The saying that, “You can lead a horse to the water but, you cannot make it to drink. But we? On our own, “We have the great opportunity of learning and Changing for the Better ~ for the Happiness and Joy of our own Lives” That is the Luck/Good Fortune to be born as human beings.  We are able to learn and alter our ways to the best of our ability for the goodness of not only our lives, but for the welfare of others too. If You can come to this level then, “You have reached a far more superior level than the normal human beings” You have even changed your Destiny”!

Destiny 1a
But then know you can become few of the minority, But you know what you are doing and where you are going and who You are. We don’t change to please others. We change for the better, “For Ourselves” For our lives to be better and “Be of Value and Live Happier is it not”?

All these Challenges are able for us to grow stronger and wiser which leads to better quality of life. Which all will not understand. Sometimes we do not know at that time. It will be only later when we look back we can see a pattern and how far we have come. Man is, “The only person who is able to read, with wisdom” When we are born we all go through a process of education from our childhood beginning from “Nursery Rhymes” Starting with our parents then teachers, religion, friends and so many who crosses our paths we are shown in every way, how things work in life.

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We are given endless opportunities to the maximum, this is why there are two parents. If one is not present the other is there, just like two hands and even other family around us. With all these “Guidance” why is it that some end up being extremely deteriorated, evil enough to go to an extent of wanting to do so much harm? The reasons given by many of these great people is, “part of the general society do not want people to do well ~ They Resent others greatness” Greatness does Not come with money. It comes with unselfishness, good values, integrity ~ the quality of being Truthful and Honest and having strong moral principles!!!

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With all that, man harms his brothers, sisters who are all part of each other. We are all energy. Hence connected to each other. We are all soul sisters and brothers of one big family. Still with all that man harms. This is by Mahatma Gandhi himself. Was he aware what was going to happen to him? These are his words left for centuries ……

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Latest Update 6th March 2020: Up to date with the Birthday article 111th and The Introductory page, I have published 112 posts. On “The Top Right Hand side” you are able to see: The word “Menu” And all the posts from, The Beginning to the end is shown Under the Home Page” : Who I am & Why I am Writing!

I am in Good Health. I started to write “My journey on mental wellness “Just in My Pen Name Deepa Nilamani” But as I have been able to, “Receive Healing Energy ~ which began its Journey since February 2016. I have had to introduce myself in,” My full name and to be seen from where, “I have acquired, “The Gift of Healing Hands” Down The Generation, “Who My Maternal Grandfather is, and My Great Grand father is I had to include their details. Please click on this Link it will take you on to “Their Details on The site of Wikipedia on the I net”:!

It is something I have earned, “Through sheer Hard work, Sacrifices, Sharing, Giving, Donating and through Loving Kindness” and above all being “Truthful and Honest”. “The Universal Energy” is also called “Healing or Pranic energy”, “chi” in China and “ki” in Japan. As we know, energy can travel so, “Prayer energy which also can be called Healing Energy” can travel far and wide to distant places too. Healing Energy can go to others where ever it is needed to be received with a Clear Mind and Lots of Loving Kindness”. If you click this link You can go to the post: Energy Healing! 

So I am editing and Updating almost all my posts as, This is “A New Chapter and A New Beginning”  on. Upgrading Myself to A New Wave Length. A New Chapter in My Life and I Wish so for You also. Please click this Link which will take You to My Birthday Post Birthday!

There will still be The older Topics “On The Left Hand side, Under the Recent Posts” with “The New Topics adding up. And Under Archives and Categories. Happy Reading ❤

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What I am doing is, “Taken the Therapists Voices with me and have been Moving forward Telling My Journey in Wellness. Helping Others to have “Faith, Hope and to Heal” and Lead a Life of Good Health, Happiness and Joy in this Post, and if You click on this Link in Green You can read this Post: The Therapists Voice Forward!

The coloured Topics in Green, if you “Click” on them “Will take you to My other different posts which you will be able to find more information and even Pronunciation”. I have another website with “My own little Poems and Pictures of some of My Hobbies” if you are interested on seeing, “What else I am doing” 🙂 you can have a look at :

“It is all free”. You can “Down load. Take print outs” “share or pass it on also” for others who can benefit from this article and All the other posts ❤

Thanking the I net, YouTube for the video and other sites for the posts shared by me ❤

Many Blessings of Love, Light and Healing Energies from me ❤

May God’s Blessings be Upon You ❤

Deepa 100Deepa Nilamani 🙂

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6 thoughts on “Moral Values!

  1. This has always been a problem for me, but I spent a large part of last year removing some who were VERY toxic. It feels so good…I still have a little guilt at times (sad, I know) but I feel stronger without them! Many blessings to you in this new year!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for reading and commenting. If anyone has, “Loving Kindness in her/his heart they will Never be toxic to anyone” As they will be Loving and Kind to others. Why you find them Toxic is, their way of thinking/personality does Not agree with you. You get stressed being around them. That does Not help them or you. By releasing them from you, (But without any anger), you give them a chance to move on with the same wave length as them, and you give yourself a chance for those with same vibrations/energy to come into Your life. “You do not have to have Any Guilt At all” You don’t push them away physically. “You Detach yourself from those who do not agree with you mentally and automatically new people come in. You do a favor to yourself and them both ways 🙂
      Many Blessings of Healing Light to you. God Bless 🙂 ❤


      1. Thank you so much! I see what you are saying and I do know this to be true in my heart! This wonderful life is one of learning and leaning into our gifts and lessons. I appreciate that you took the time to give me this…it feels like peace…just as removing them has also felt like peace! Many blessings right back to you beautiful soul! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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