That Thing called Stress!

Hello To All My Dear Readers 🙂

Hello to All of my reading friends I hope you all are keeping well and Happy 🙂 Thought of writing about stress. A common topic, a word but a real challenge to manage and overcome, but possible. Definition from the I net: “A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from demanding circumstances”. See from what I have posted below, how best can You, manage to Reduce and to get over it. What You can do and Like to do to Relax 🙂

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Stress is not only at work but everywhere. It can be at home, with family, friends and even doing hobbies and during many things in everyday life. We can become stressed doing thing we do not like or even doing things we like to do. The difference is we try to go beyond what we can do, “its like running against time or going against the natural order” There is a pattern a timing for everything in life. True there are times that we do have to quicken our step in order to keep up with this fast moving world, but its not with everything and all the time. In life we have choices and we need to choose correctly 🙂

We need to prioritize in life on how we can manage what we have to do. We cannot do everything all the time. There are things we can and not do according to age limits also.

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See from the post “The things You Like and what You can do to keep Yourself Fit and Healthy” 🙂

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We have to accept what we can and cannot do. In short we need to learn to let go of the unnecessary things we cannot change in life. There is always things we can do, and people whom we can have around who do not stress us. At least one or two good family or friends, who can understand and care for us. There is always jobs and life situations that we can fit into but there are exceptions. See the post below. Simple ways of being in “Mother Nature and Relaxing, feeling Positive, Healthy and Happy  ❤

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None of us work 24/7 and there is always some free time to relax. Also relaxing does not need a lot of money either. Of course if one has extra money to spend, there are many expensive ways to relax. But actually you do not need to spend like that. As relaxing is becoming one with mother nature. The closer you become to mother earth, by ways of food, clothes and living the closer you become to a stress free life. It is difficult to lead a complete stress free life in this present times. But there are plenty of simple ways to relax like the post above, and below, to reduce our stress levels and enjoy a balanced and healthy life 🙂

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You can see from all these posts many many things you can do in order to relax and relieve stress. You will also notice many things are about how to enjoy nature. We need to live in ways that we are close to nature as much as possible. Even if you lead busy lives in the city, once in a way to go to the beach, rivers, parks, even a swim in a pool will bring your body closer to the natural state. Below is a picture that you can see some more of what You can do. Hope you read up and follow some of them  ❤

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Well I have found another picture post about “Benefits of Music and although it is said for kids, as you know “Music is for Everyone”. If you like to “Read more about The Benefits of Music click these two Links: Benefits Of Music ~ Part 1! Benefits of Music ~ Part 2!


Here “How Dancing is able to help”. Dancing is supposed to be one of “The Best ways to Reduce Stress and Relax”!

Dance 1
Here is more information on Dancing 🙂

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More Benefits!

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Try to start Your Day with A Smile and Positive Thoughts”!

Good Morning 2



Latest Update 6th March 2020:Up to date with the Birthday article 111th and The Introductory page. I have Published 112 posts. On “The Top Right Hand side” you are able to see: The word “Menu” when you click on it, You will see will see The word “Home” “All the 111 posts from ~ The Beginning to the end is shown under “Home”. Under which is The Introductory Page about: Who I am & Why I am Writing!

Relax 6

The old Topics are, “On The Left Hand side “Under the, “Recent Posts” with “The New Topics adding up. “It will be too long to post so many number of posts on the side. You can “Click and see all The older Topics” “Under “ARCHIVES” and “Under CATERGORIES” Try “To Move around the site and find. “That is also “Part of Educating Yourself further”. So far I have Not seen any other site post so much clearly 🙂

student sitting at desk taking state test

So “I am Editing and Updating All The Posts from The Very Beginning” This is My Birthday and, “A New Chapter and A New Beginning”. Upgrading Myself to A New Wave Length ~ A New Chapter in My Life and I Wish so for You also. Please click this Link which will take You to My Birthday Post Birthday

“I have been able to, “Receive Healing Energy” since “The Beginning of 2016”. All my Hard work and Praying has been rewarded. Healing Energy can go to others where ever it is needed even You. But You need to have a Clear Mind and receive them with a Loving Kindness” Happy Reading  ❤

Thank You 16
What I am doing is, “Taken the Therapists Voices with me and have been Moving forward Telling My Own Journey in Helping Others to have “Faith, Hope and to Heal” and Lead a Life of Good Health, Happiness and Joy. And if You click on this Link in Green You can read this Post: The Therapists Voice Forward!

The coloured Topics in Green, if you “Click” on them “Will take you to other different posts of Mine which you will be able to find more information and even Pronunciation”. I have another, “A Personal Website”. With “My own little Poems and Pictures of some of My Hobbies” if you are interested on seeing, “What else I am doing” 🙂you can have a look at: ❤

“It is all free”. You can, “Down load. Take print outs, share and pass it on also for others who can benefit from this posts. I hope All those Read will be able to make the maximum use of all these facts and make, “Your Lives More Healthy and able to Lead Better lives in Happiness and Peace”. I wish it to be so as, ”Peace which is our Ultimate Goal in Life” ❤

Thanking Pinterest for the Music videos and I net for the pictures taken and for the written quotes by me ❤

Many Blessings of Love, Light and Healing Energies from me ❤

May God’s Blessings Be Upon You ❤

Deepa 1Deepa Nilamani 🙂

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8 thoughts on “That Thing called Stress!

    1. Thanks a lot for appreciating what I have written. I am so glad that you have found some useful ideas from my post. You are very welcome. By liking and commenting I am encouraged to write more and better that helps myself and all those who read and follow my blog. Most grateful. Love and Light from me 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. What a compliment to have found the article to be a, Magical stress reducer” as I tell everyone it helps me as well as all those read and follow when someone comments. Others view points helps as well as encourages me to do better. Grateful and Thankful to you. Man Blessings 🙂 ❤


  1. Stress is always there in daily life in many ways. No one can avoid or deny. Yes by acknowledging and accepting we learn to deal with it. It is part of life to overcome and move on to the next level. If only we take it in a bad way that it becomes a big problem to us. I am glad you found it helpful and Thank you for coming in and commenting. It goes a long way in helping others as well as encouraging me 🙂 ❤


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